My poetry has been published in Rattle, Spillway, The Comstock Review and included in the anthology, Beyond the Lyric Moment. My first novel was chosen for a Faber Academy workshop and I was recently invited to attend a manuscript workshop focused on intersectionality. Currently I am on submission with my first manuscript and revising my second novel, Mercy Is the Knife. Both are literary crime fiction featuring a female PI. Freelance work can be found on The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, LA Parent and other outlets. I recently had an essay published in Superstition Review and a short story in MORIA.

Excerpt from Withdrawal Diary: Day Two (published by MORIA)
Headlights brushed lightly over the hedges standing at the ready and lining the curb. A dark-haired woman ran around to the other side of the car and helped her pregnant wife to maneuver out and stand up. At least, I wanted to believe they were married. The pregnant wife wrapped her arms around to the underside of her immense belly as if to hold in the kicking squall of new life about to erupt from between her legs. The dark-haired wife’s head bobbed, perhaps counting breaths, perhaps encouraging her dearest one to make another step. To bring them all closer to being the perfect family.
And then I did look back at my daughter. One foot with painted blue toenails exposed because she’d kicked her blankets aside. A careless hand curled over her stomach.
You, who quickened my insides with your spins and secret flutters. You were once fish, cave dweller, flower. That was how I first knew you. You, who made my heart beat faster and faster, only to crush it and know the power of dust pouring through your fingers.
Powder, not power. I refuse to give everything away.