
Deborah Harada

Writer + Consultant

I was the kid who rode my bike to the library every couple of days over summer vacation and skidded out regularly because the basket was too full of paperbacks. Thank you to my grandmother for funneling her Agatha Christie and bodice-ripper romances to me every time we visited. And to both grandmother and mother for hours spent playing Scrabble—that delicious, competitive building of words in a structured space. Joseph Sakach, if you can see this, I think I’m a writer in part because of the gorgeous, scandalous prose you made required reading in high school. Much gratitude.

I have a Masters in Nonprofit Management from Antioch University and did my undergrad in Theater Arts at Rutgers University. My work has appeared in Rattle, Comstock Review, Spillway, Superstition Review and MORIA. Previously, I worked as a freelance journalist and content writer for a variety of outlets and organizations. Happily living in Kaneohe, Hawaii.